
My research interests are a product of my archaeological training and research history. I remain convinced of the importance of both archaeological and landscape context and view new technologies as valuable tools for investigating, analysing, and presenting those contexts. It is only by understanding an artefact, text, site, or landscape in its wider context that we can approach the story it has to tell. Museums and archives are a key component of this as they are the final depositories of archaeological material and places where people learn about the past. My research interests, therefore, include landscape archaeology, archaeological survey, geographic information systems (GIS), and satellite remote-sensing as well as traditional archaeological analysis and archival research. As I continue to integrate these different interests my research is increasingly falling within the digital humanities umbrella.

Current projects

Previous projects

Gurob Harem Palace Project (University of Liverpool) 2006-2012 – archaeological excavation and survey at the New Kingdom palace and town site of Gurob, in the Faiyum region of Egypt.

Assessment of archaeological resource in aggregate areas on the Isle of Wight. (Museum of London Archaeology) 2009-2011 – an English Heritage and Aggregates Levy Sustainability funded project to identify and quantify the archaeological assets within aggregate-producing areas of the Isle of Wight, using Historic Environment Record data and GIS analysis.